
The words of Buddha always echo in my mind. I know how hard it is to be kind and also state your boundaries.
When I met the Dalai Lama, I was amazed and touched by his kindness. Surprised because fame left him untouched; the more his openness made me deeply respect him. I donated ‘La Roue Dentée de la Noblesse-fan’ to him.
Secret Hype /
Humberto Baker

A Female Future /
Bette Spence
Wearing Meaning /
June Dorsey
Echo Silhouettes /
Erika Simon


The Letter from Christian Lacroix
His letter made me realize that it is only now possible for folding fans to become a fashion accessory. And with the technology from this century, we can make the most beautiful fans ever.

Southern Exposure /
Tammy Watson
Desert Club /
Jon Marshall
Don't Follow Me /
Nancy Prince
The Art of Escapism /
Kelli Serrano